One thing’s for sure – if you’re spending five days a week, eight hours a day, committed to the nine-to-five grind, you’d better love what you’re doing.
You might be finding yourself dissatisfied with the prospect of your future career, or maybe you have an itch to investigate how enterprises can maximise emerging opportunities for more diverse career trajectories. If this strikes a chord with you, you’re not alone.
Contemporary careers are continuing to be disrupted as new and complex technologies are introduced, worldviews are frequently shifting, and the need for innovative leadership is increasing around the globe. It’s no surprise that Generation Z are looking to possess a flexible skill set and pursue career growth that exceeds traditional expectations.
Enter Bond’s Transformation degrees, which create an environment that enables students to become leading drivers of change. The four programs within Bond’s Transformation suite provide a transdisciplinary approach to education, combining carefully selected subjects across multiple study areas to create graduates who are capable of problem solving both the typical issues of today and those that arise well into the future. With two tailored industry placements, an industry mentor assigned to each student in their first semester, and unmatched support in building professional networks, students can look forward to the prospect of graduating and entering the workforce, prepared for their path ahead.
Our Transformation degrees are all about shaping careers that won’t go out of style. So, what does this mean exactly, and how is this possible? Keep reading as we explore how Bond’s Transformation degrees are built to combat the unprecedented challenges of tomorrow.
Why it’s cool to be unconventional
It’s easy to be indifferent, to stick to the status quo, and accept a job simply to ‘pay the bills’, but for unconventional thinkers, this no longer suffices. The unconventional thinkers and creative minds of the 21st century hold the power to push the limits of their imagination and take on real-world challenges in an abstract way, using new digital technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics.
Professor Nick James, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Law, describes the Transformation degrees’ unique curriculum design as ‘radical and innovative’.
“The world of work is being fundamentally transformed and disrupted... it got [the University] asking, ‘what do we need to do to respond to this disruption?’” Professor James says.
The capabilities that artificial intelligence advancements have on the future of work are already in full effect for administrative tasks. Rather than being fearful of AI’s abilities, businesses need to be open to growth, and new jobs must be developed with these tech-driven tools in mind to shape the careers of the future.
Bond’s Transformation degrees have been designed to grow students’ cognitive and creative skills – the human qualities that will always be sought out by and relevant to businesses. In other words, with this skill set, a robot will never steal your job!
Designed to be different, our four Transformation degrees provide the fundamental skills needed to tackle the future of work both in Australia and internationally, and will prepare students for not only life after graduation, but to excel throughout the full extent of their careers. Bond’s Transformation degrees provide an opportunity to look ahead of our time and solve the problems of tomorrow, using a strategic and creative approach to learning, creating sustainable and complex careers.

Bachelor of Digital Transformation (CRICOS 107660H)
Forget about TikTok, let’s talk about virtual reality.
The Bachelor of Digital Transformation focuses on shaping graduates who will develop digital culture across workplaces and industries, capitalising on evolving trends across virtual reality applications, big data analytics, and changing digital policies. With such an abundance of professional outcomes, students can narrow down their interests through their industry placements, using their network of support as a bridge to their future careers.
Digital transformation alumni may find themselves working in leading roles across data or business analytics, technology solutions, digital media projects, or social media management – just to name a few potential career pathways.
“The teaching of these skills is delivered to the highest standard, and I continually receive exceptional support and mentoring from teaching and career development staff.
I have found this course very unique from a typical technology degree. Rather than providing hard skills in specific software that will eventually become obsolete, this program is future-proofing my career by laying the foundation in multidisciplinary abilities that expand my capacity as a technology professional.”
Taran Vardon, Bachelor of Digital Transformation student
Bachelor of Entrepreneurial Transformation (CRICOS 107658B)
It’s become more appealing than ever to become ‘your own boss’, whereby entrepreneurs can craft a lifestyle to suit their needs, while still maintaining a successful career. But, don’t be fooled – it's not always easy. If you have a knack for networking with like-minded professionals, aren’t afraid of hustling to hit targets, and don’t mind testing your ideas time and time again, the Bachelor of Entrepreneurial Transformation could be your first venture on the journey to entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurs are not only independent business leaders, but can also be highly influential in the broader business landscape, shaping the way that professionals and enterprises alike face, adapt, and overcome challenges. As a Bachelor of Entrepreneurial Transformation graduate, you’ll be equipped to pave the way with your product or service and revolutionise your sector of the business world, no matter the size of your niche.
Careers for entrepreneurs are ever-changing, but they are guaranteed to be full of innovation and creative transformation.
“The Transformation mindset is not one you can fully grasp until you have lived it and seen all the pieces fall into place in front of you. You will not be leaving the university with a piece of paper, you will leave with industry experience, a collaborative mindset, a global outlook, and a changed perspective.”
Xavier Phillips, Bachelor of Entrepreneurial Transformation student

Bachelor of Health Transformation (CRICOS 107659A)
Globally, it’s clear the toll COVID-19 took on the healthcare system, the overwhelming stress that was inflicted upon healthcare professionals, and the reliance we have been forced to have on technologies like telehealth. Allied health is also becoming reliant on new medical technologies, and requires strategic health-focused professionals to implement efficient systems for diagnosing medical problems, performing surgeries, and supporting patient recovery. As a result, Bachelor of Health Transformation alumni may find themselves working as digital health educators, officers, or policy advisors; medical information officers; or leading healthcare business and marketing professionals.
“Healthcare is transforming both from within and outside to meet the needs of consumers. New technologies and data management systems provide opportunities for innovation. The traditional professional workforce is still growing, but it is stretched to meet these increasing challenges. A new workforce is required to bring together the human and technological potentials and to facilitate transformation.”
Professor Sharon Mickan, Professor of Healthcare Innovations, Bond University
Bachelor of Legal Transformation (CRICOS 107661G)
No longer just for Bachelor of Laws graduates, Bond’s Bachelor of Legal Transformation now opens the door to a career in the legal profession – but not as a practising lawyer. Instead, Bachelor of Legal Transformation students will hone keen critical thinking skills and learn to use new technologies and digital tools to improve legal services and client satisfaction. After graduating, Bondies might find themselves working as legal operations managers, project managers, solutions architects, technology designers or paralegals, with the necessary skills to redesign the way that lawyers approach contemporary legal problems.
“The law firm of the future will, I believe, have fewer lawyers in it, and more skill sets of project managers, data scientists, people with technology and design-thinking skills. There will be lots of people who will help lawyers deliver legal services, in different ways.”
Melanie Ryan,Head of Client Solutions ALT (Asia & Australia), Herbert Smith Freehills
Designed to be different, our four Transformation degrees provide the fundamental skills needed to tackle the future of work both in Australia and internationally, and will prepare students for not only life after graduation, but to excel throughout the full extent of their careers. Bond’s Transformation degrees provide an opportunity to look ahead of our time and solve the problems of tomorrow, using a strategic and creative approach to learning, creating sustainable and complex careers.