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Our commitment to inclusion

At Bond University Library, inclusion and accessibility are fundamental values. We strive to create an environment where everyone can access and participate in all that our Library has to offer.  

We welcome collaboration to ensure our practices align with the diverse needs of our community. Engaging in dialogue and seeking feedback are key ways for us to continuously improve our services. 


We work with the Bond University Accessibility and Inclusion Advisor on the provision of accessible spaces and services such as the assistive technology room.

The Library also sources subject readings in alternative formats when required to meet individual studentsโ€™ or staff needs.

If you find documents produced by the Library that need to be reviewed and updated to improve accessibility, please let us know. 


Libraries and archives manage resources from different times and cultures to make available the scholarly and historical record. As a result, our collections and records may contain resources and records that members of our community might find harmful or offensive. 

Our catalogue records play a crucial role in connecting patrons with relevant materials. The metadata comes from various sources including publishers, national and shared library catalogues as well as our local records. In the case of metadata which is outside of the Library's direct control, we endeavour to work with our suppliers and system vendors to provide a safe experience. 

To enhance inclusion, we follow these principles.

Clear and concise descriptions

We provide accurate and succinct descriptions. This ensures that patrons can quickly assess whether a resource meets their needs.

Provision of content advice

In addition to basic information, we offer content advice indicators and notes in Library Search. For instance, resources that have been identified as being culturally sensitive for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples may be updated to display an advisory note.

Respectful terminology

We recognize that language matters and strive to use terminology that is respectful and affirming.

Retaining original descriptions ensures that attitudes and viewpoints from the past are not erased. Where it is retained, and brought to our attention, we will endeavour to provide historical context with content advice or notes. It is ongoing work to create new, and update old, records - and in the course of that work we strive to address offensive or harmful language.

In addition to long-standing use of Library of Congress subject headings, we use AIATSIS thesauri and AUSTLANG language codes in our local catalogue records. These offer a culturally appropriate vocabulary for describing and searching for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander material. 

If you find records in Library Search that you wish to refer for our attention, you can use the feedback button to easily capture the record detail and send us your comments for review. Such reports can optionally be anonymous.โ€ฏ 

Guidelines for First Nations collection description

Raven, Tui et al. (2023). Guidelines for First Nations collection description. National and State Libraries Australasia, Deakin, Australian Capital Territory

Read more
Read more about Guidelines for First Nations collection description

AIATSIS Thesauri

Search and browse a controlled vocabulary for subjects and placenames relating to Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies.

Read more about AIATSIS Thesauri


Codes for  identifying works about or including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.

Read more about AUSTLANG Codes

Diverse voices

The diverse members of the Bond community directly contribute to selection of library resources in two ways:

  • Demand driven acquisition is seamless and usage of an ebook title triggers an automatic purchase to the Library collection for perpetual access.
  • Students and staff can submit purchase suggestions to the Library from Library Search, or via a form. 

We promote resources which are created by Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors with a browseable and searchable collection view. 

Library and other online resources are also featured in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge - Library Research Guide and in various themed displays throughout the year. 

The Library also provides a research guide to LGBTQIA+ resources.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources

Library collection including books, films, poetry.

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Read more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources
Library guide

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge

An introduction to Australian Indigenous knowledge systems and resources.

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Read more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge
Resource list

Indigenous knowing, being and doing resources

Selected resources for integrating Indigenous knowledge and perspectives into subject resource lists.

Sign in to view list
Read more about Indigenous knowing, being and doing resources
Library guide

LGBTQIA+ resources

A guide to library resources on intersex, trans and gender diversity.

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Read more about LGBTQIA+ resources

Allies in the Library

Cultural awareness

The Library team has undertaken cultural awareness and competency training including the Becoming Culturally Aware microcredential, and are attending the on-country experience at Jellurgal

In 2023, the Library established a working group to review the Library's operations, spaces and services under the lens of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Library, Information and Resource network (ATSILIRN) Protocols. This working group consults with the University Elder, the Manager First Nations Cultural Education and other interested Indigenous members of the Bond community and makes recommendations to the Library Management team.

The Library is represented on and contributes to the University's Reconciliation Action Plan Committee.

The Library team participated in the National Library of Australiaโ€™s AUSTLANG codeathon in 2019, updating hundreds of catalogue records with Australian language codes. 

Network participants

The Library is a supporter of the Hidden Disability Network and there are Library staff members in the Bond LGBITQ+ Ally Network.

LGBTIQ+ Ally network


Space in the Library is available for student events celebrating diversity and inclusion. We also arrange displays and events to mark international observances and cultural days, and to promote relevant resources to the Bond community. 

Student events

Join us in our inclusive library journey

We invite you to be part of our continuing journey. Share your feedback and explore our diverse collection and displays. Together, we can build a library where everyone feels welcome and valued. 

Make an appointment with your faculty librarian, email us, submit feedback online, alternatively, students may raise issues with the Bond University Student Association (BUSA). The Library Management team meets regularly with the BUSA Committee. 

Make an appointment

Send feedback

Bond University Library

General enquiries:

Ask A Librarian:

Library opening hours

Within Australia: 07 55951510

Outside of Australia: +61 7 55951510