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Intercultural Communication

General Information

This subject is concerned with the particular problem of communication across linguistic and ethnic boundaries. The principal areas covered are cultural differences in verbal and non-verbal communication, communication problems and ethnocentrism, and communication techniques in intercultural situations. The subject draws on a range of examples of actual intercultural communication scenarios to add a practical dimension.  This subject focuses on communication in intercultural contexts preparing learners for careers in international and multicultural environments. We analyse cultural constructs through the lenses of research and theories from relevant disciplines, by considering the learner's culture of origin and by comparing similar and dissimilar cultures. We also consider how the cultural roots of reality derive from the effects of religious, family, and historical world views. Furthermore, we examine language, non-verbal communication, social customs and expected patterns of relationships in relation to interpersonal, business, educational, and health care situations. Students actively experience different cultural attitudes and expectations as they engage in a journey of cultural understanding. The knowledge and skills developed in the subject have immediate relevance to us as world travellers and intercultural workers. Students entering the fields of business, teaching, social services, and tourism will have opportunities to apply their learning in daily contacts with culturally different groups.

  • Academic unit: Faculty of Society & Design
    Subject code: COMN12-204
    Subject title: Intercultural Communication
    Subject level: Undergraduate
    Semester/Year: September 2024
    Credit points: 10.000
  • Timetable:
    Delivery mode: Standard
    Workload items:
    • Forum: x12 (Total hours: 24) - Weekly Forum
    • Tutorial: x12 (Total hours: 12) - Weekly Tutorial
    • Personal Study Hours: x12 (Total hours: 84) - Personal Study Hours
    Attendance and learning activities: As successful completion of this subject is heavily dependent on participation during all scheduled sessions, attendance will be monitored. 'Class Participation' does not equate to 'Class Attendance'. Merely 'being there' is insufficient to fulfil the following criteria: contribution, collaboration, preparation, cultural sensitivity, and initiative. Most sessions build on the content of the previous one. It is difficult for a student to recover the information if a session is missed. It is the responsibility of the student to view any available recordings of weekly live sessions to catch up on any content missed and to complete set work outside class. In addition to synchronous sessions, students should plan to spend a minimum of 84 hours undertaking preparation/out-of-class work/personal study for this subject. This is intended as a general guide only for workload planning, and more time may be required depending on factors such as familiarity with the content. It is recommended students bring their laptops to class.
  • Prescribed resources:


    • Samovar,L., Porter,R., McDaniel, E., & Roy,C. (2017). Communication Between Cultures. 9th, Boston CENGAGE LEARNING
    After enrolment, students can check the Books and Tools area in iLearn for the full Resource List.
    iLearn@Bond & Email:

    iLearn@Bond is the Learning Management System at Bond University and is used to provide access to subject materials, class recordings and detailed subject information regarding the subject curriculum, assessment, and timing. Both iLearn and the Student Email facility are used to provide important subject notifications.

    Additionally, official correspondence from the University will be forwarded to students’ Bond email account and must be monitored by the student.

    To access these services, log on to the Student Portal from the Bond University website as

Academic unit: Faculty of Society & Design
Subject code: COMN12-204
Subject title: Intercultural Communication
Subject level: Undergraduate
Semester/Year: September 2024
Credit points: 10.000

Enrolment requirements



Assumed knowledge:

Assumed knowledge is the minimum level of knowledge of a subject area that students are assumed to have acquired through previous study. It is the responsibility of students to ensure they meet the assumed knowledge expectations of the subject. Students who do not possess this prior knowledge are strongly recommended against enrolling and do so at their own risk. No concessions will be made for students’ lack of prior knowledge.



Assurance of learning

Assurance of Learning means that universities take responsibility for creating, monitoring and updating curriculum, teaching and assessment so that students graduate with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need for employability and/or further study.

At Bond University, we carefully develop subject and program outcomes to ensure that student learning in each subject contributes to the whole student experience. Students are encouraged to carefully read and consider subject and program outcomes as combined elements.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Program Learning Outcomes provide a broad and measurable set of standards that incorporate a range of knowledge and skills that will be achieved on completion of the program. If you are undertaking this subject as part of a degree program, you should refer to the relevant degree program outcomes and graduate attributes as they relate to this subject.

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Subject Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

On successful completion of this subject the learner will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate understanding of the influence that culture and academic mobility have on individuals from diametrically opposed civilisations.
  2. Acquire insight into diverse identities and analyse their cultural, social, political and historical dimensions.
  3. Display skills and strategies that enable effective intercultural communication competence globally.
  4. Devise effective verbal and non-verbal intercultural communication strategies in personal, professional and collaborative contexts.
  5. Demonstrate a sound knowledge of relevant disciplines, theory and research, and the ability to critically evaluate, manage, reflect on, integrate and apply it in intercultural contexts.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of the standards, ethics, and values of their profession and citizenship obligations, in both the local and global contexts.

Generative Artificial Intelligence in Assessment

The University acknowledges that Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen-AI) tools are an important facet of contemporary life. Their use in assessment is considered in line with students’ development of the skills and knowledge which demonstrate learning outcomes and underpin study and career success. Instructions on the use of Gen-AI are given for each assessment task; it is your responsibility to adhere to these instructions.

  • Type Task % Timing* Outcomes assessed
    Literature Review§ Research paper based on communication theory and practice; applied to an intercultural communication issue, policy or occurrence. 40.00% Week 11 1,2,3,4,5,6
    Activity 2 questions based on chapter information prepared for tutorial discussion in Weeks (3 -7) & (8 -12). 20.00% Ongoing 1,2,3,4,5,6
    Presentation§ Presentation of analysis of Intercultural Dialogue Encounter predicated on communication theory - acculturation, identity issues, core values, cultural postulates, etc. Interviews in pairs, contingent on numbers (Wk. 2- 5). Presentations (Wk. 6 - 12) 40.00% Ongoing 1,2,3,4,5
    • § Indicates group/teamwork-based assessment
    • * Assessment timing is indicative of the week that the assessment is due or begins (where conducted over multiple weeks), and is based on the standard University academic calendar
    • C = Students must reach a level of competency to successfully complete this assessment.
  • Assessment criteria

    High Distinction 85-100 Outstanding or exemplary performance in the following areas: interpretative ability; intellectual initiative in response to questions; mastery of the skills required by the subject, general levels of knowledge and analytic ability or clear thinking.
    Distinction 75-84 Usually awarded to students whose performance goes well beyond the minimum requirements set for tasks required in assessment, and who perform well in most of the above areas.
    Credit 65-74 Usually awarded to students whose performance is considered to go beyond the minimum requirements for work set for assessment. Assessable work is typically characterised by a strong performance in some of the capacities listed above.
    Pass 50-64 Usually awarded to students whose performance meets the requirements set for work provided for assessment.
    Fail 0-49 Usually awarded to students whose performance is not considered to meet the minimum requirements set for particular tasks. The fail grade may be a result of insufficient preparation, of inattention to assignment guidelines or lack of academic ability. A frequent cause of failure is lack of attention to subject or assignment guidelines.

    Quality assurance

    For the purposes of quality assurance, Bond University conducts an evaluation process to measure and document student assessment as evidence of the extent to which program and subject learning outcomes are achieved. Some examples of student work will be retained for potential research and quality auditing purposes only. Any student work used will be treated confidentially and no student grades will be affected.

Type Task % Timing* Outcomes assessed
Literature Review§ Research paper based on communication theory and practice; applied to an intercultural communication issue, policy or occurrence. 40.00% Week 11 1,2,3,4,5,6
Activity 2 questions based on chapter information prepared for tutorial discussion in Weeks (3 -7) & (8 -12). 20.00% Ongoing 1,2,3,4,5,6
Presentation§ Presentation of analysis of Intercultural Dialogue Encounter predicated on communication theory - acculturation, identity issues, core values, cultural postulates, etc. Interviews in pairs, contingent on numbers (Wk. 2- 5). Presentations (Wk. 6 - 12) 40.00% Ongoing 1,2,3,4,5
  • § Indicates group/teamwork-based assessment
  • * Assessment timing is indicative of the week that the assessment is due or begins (where conducted over multiple weeks), and is based on the standard University academic calendar
  • C = Students must reach a level of competency to successfully complete this assessment.

Study Information

Submission procedures

Students must check the iLearn@Bond subject site for detailed assessment information and submission procedures.

Policy on late submission and extensions

A student who has not established a basis for an extension in compliance with University and Faculty policy either by 1) not applying before the assessment due date or 2) by having an application rejected due to failure to show a justifiable cause for an extension, will receive a penalty on assessment submitted after its due date. The penalty will be 10% of marks awarded to that assessment for every day late, with the first day counted after the required submission time has passed. No assessment will be accepted for consideration seven calendar days after the due date. Where a student has been granted an extension, the late penalty starts from the new due date and time set out in the extension.

Academic Integrity

Bond University‘s Student Code of Conduct Policy , Student Charter, Academic Integrity Policy and our Graduate Attributes guide expectations regarding student behaviour, their rights and responsibilities. Information on these topics can be found on our Academic Integrity webpage recognising that academic integrity involves demonstrating the principles of integrity (honesty, fairness, trust, professionalism, courage, responsibility, and respect) in words and actions across all aspects of academic endeavour.

Staff are required to report suspected misconduct. This includes all types of plagiarism, cheating, collusion, fabrication or falsification of data/content or other misconduct relating to assessment such as the falsification of medical certificates for assessment extensions. The longer term personal, social and financial consequences of misconduct can be severe, so please ask for help if you are unsure.

If your work is subject to an inquiry, you will be given an opportunity to respond and appropriate support will be provided. Academic work under inquiry will not be marked until the process has concluded. Penalties for misconduct include a warning, reduced grade, a requirement to repeat the assessment, suspension or expulsion from the University.

Feedback on assessment

Feedback on assessment will be provided to students according to the requirements of the Assessment Procedure Schedule A - Assessment Communication Procedure.

Whilst in most cases feedback should be provided within two weeks of the assessment submission due date, the Procedure should be checked if the assessment is linked to others or if the subject is a non-standard (e.g., intensive) subject.

Accessibility and Inclusion Support

Support is available to students where a physical, mental or neurological condition exists that would impact the student’s capacity to complete studies, exams or assessment tasks. For effective support, special requirement needs should be arranged with the University in advance of or at the start of each semester, or, for acute conditions, as soon as practicable after the condition arises. Reasonable adjustments are not guaranteed where applications are submitted late in the semester (for example, when lodged just prior to critical assessment and examination dates).

As outlined in the Accessibility and Inclusion Policy, to qualify for support, students must meet certain criteria. Students are also required to meet with the Accessibility and Inclusion Advisor who will ensure that reasonable adjustments are afforded to qualifying students.

For more information and to apply online, visit BondAbility.

Additional subject information

Depending on enrolments, students work in pairs on their Intercultural Dialogue Encounters (Wk 2-5) During two tutorial sessions Wk (3 -7) & (8-12), student participation will be formally assessed. Student presentations (in pairs) (Wk 6-12) Detailed subject guide on iLearn site. Students must prepare and submit for approval 6-8 questions for intercultural interviews (Wk 2-5).

Subject curriculum

Approved on: Jul 2, 2024. Edition: 5.1
Last updated: Jul 2, 2024