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Physiotherapy: Cardiorespiratory

General Information

This subject will provide the background medical and surgical knowledge for the physiotherapist to effectively manage the patient with common cardiorespiratory and cardiovascular disorders. Indications, mechanisms of action, delivery methods and adverse effects of pharmacological agents used in cardiorespiratory and cardiovascular conditions will be critically discussed. Students will analyse and appraise the role of the physiotherapist and relevant interprofessional team members in the management of patients with cardiorespiratory and/or cardiovascular disorders, whilst utilising leadership and collaborative team building skills. Students will apply their knowledge of anatomy and physiology/pathophysiology to demonstrate an understanding of patient presentation and progression of respiratory, cardiac, vascular, renal, endocrine, lymphatic and neurological conditions across the lifespan, including end of life and palliative care where appropriate.

An evidence based, problem-solving approach will form the basis for this subject. Resource sessions, problem-based learning, simulation and case-based scenarios will provide opportunities for the students to critically apply and synthesise knowledge in order to select, plan, explain, demonstrate and evaluate appropriate assessment and treatment techniques for uncomplicated and/or complex patient/client presentations across the lifespan. Students will develop and revise methods of record keeping and consider the psycho-socioeconomic and cultural needs when developing client-centred goals.

By the end of the subject, students will be able to transition into the clinical setting through acquisition of competencies in performing a subjective and physical examination, clinical reasoning, selection /execution of cardiorespiratory and cardiovascular physiotherapy interventions, exercise prescription, health promotion and maintenance, documentation and discharge planning.

  • Academic unit: Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine
    Subject code: PHTY71-403
    Subject title: Physiotherapy: Cardiorespiratory
    Subject level: Postgraduate
    Semester/Year: May 2021
    Credit points: 15.000
  • Timetable:
    Delivery mode: Standard
    Workload items:
    • Tutorial: x12 (Total hours: 21) - PBL Tutorial
    • Workshop: x30 (Total hours: 94) - Resource sessions
    • Workshop: x7 (Total hours: 21) - Simulation and Clinical Skills Consolidation
    • Personal Study Hours: x16 (Total hours: 44) - Recommended Study Hours
    Attendance and learning activities: LEARNING ACTIVITIES Learning activities include a combination of problem based learning (PBL) tutorials, resource (practical) sessions, screencasts, self-directed learning, and simulation-based education. PBL tutorials are central to the learning process in this subject. Students in small groups (7-10 students per group) will have opportunity, guided by a facilitator, to plan learning experiences, gain knowledge and use clinical reasoning to apply and integrate that knowledge in a relevant context. This approach to learning is designed to facilitate development of self-directed learning, ability to work effectively in groups and professionalism. The resource sessions will provide students with the opportunity to acquire psychomotor skills needed to complement the knowledge base developed in the problem-based learning tutorials. The written report assessment item will encourage students to research cardiorespiratory conditions in depth, focusing on evidence based and current assessment and management guidelines and to refine their academic writing skills. STUDENT LEARNING RESPONSIBILITIES Students are expected to take a significant level of responsibility for their own learning. Students are encouraged throughout the subject to take the initiative to identify, apply and integrate material from other subjects and other sources to the present subject. Students will engage in PBL tutorials and will be responsible for being pro-active learners in small groups. Students will be expected to practice and reflect on their performance, particularly in PBL and resource sessions. Bond University forwarded your name to AHPRA in your first semester of enrolment, stating that you are a current physiotherapy student undertaking the DPhty Program. This means that you are now being educated within the legal framework for practice as a physiotherapy student, and that you are aware of, and have embraced the professional behaviour and attitudes required of all health professionals. It is essential to embrace the Doctor of Physiotherapy (DPhty) Program Charter that you signed at the start of the DPhty Program. Professional behaviour and appropriate professional attitudes must be evident in all learning activities (PBL sessions, resource sessions, off-site visits) and can be grounds for disciplinary action, including failure in this subject, if you do not embrace these expectations of the physiotherapy profession. (Please refer to the DPhty Program Charter for details). There are four elements of professional behaviour that need to be evident and will be monitored in all learning activities: 1) Respect – demonstrated through attitude to Self / Peers / Educators 2) Responsibility – you are required to: attend all compulsory teaching sessions – all absences require a Leave of Absence form to be completed and submitted to the Course Co-ordinator*: be punctual and implement appropriate actions if you are late; actively participate in all activities; show initiative and be accountable for your behaviours and actions. 3) Communication – appropriate verbal and non-verbal behaviour is required when communicating with peers / educators (patients and clinical educators in the clinical setting) 4) Self-awareness and capacity to reflect and self-evaluate need to be displayed *Please refer to the DPhty Program Charter for details of the requirement to complete the appropriate ‘Leave of Absence Form’ to have any planned or unplanned absences approved. Should you breach these guidelines then your educators will consult with the subject convenor / Head of Program. The Head of Program may: - Implement a mentoring program - Give an informal warning - Refer to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Service Quality (AD SASQ) for review and attention The outcomes of these steps may result in: - An informal warning and monitor progress - A formal warning - Grade penalties - Marks which could impact on Grades - Referral to the Dean / Faculty for disciplinary procedures
  • Prescribed resources:


    • Main, E. & Denehy, L (2016). Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy. 5th ed, Churchill Livingstone
    • Reznik, J., Keren, O., Morris, J., & Biran, I (2016). Pharmacology Handbook for Physiotherapists. 1st ed, Elsevier


    • (2021). Littmann Classic III Adult Stethoscope or equivalent.
    After enrolment, students can check the Books and Tools area in iLearn for the full Resource List.
    iLearn@Bond & Email: iLearn@Bond is the online learning environment at Bond University and is used to provide access to subject materials, lecture recordings and detailed subject information regarding the subject curriculum, assessment and timing. Both iLearn and the Student Email facility are used to provide important subject notifications. Additionally, official correspondence from the University will be forwarded to students’ Bond email account and must be monitored by the student.

    To access these services, log on to the Student Portal from the Bond University website as

Academic unit: Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine
Subject code: PHTY71-403
Subject title: Physiotherapy: Cardiorespiratory
Subject level: Postgraduate
Semester/Year: May 2021
Credit points: 15.000

Enrolment requirements



There are no pre-requisites


Assumed knowledge:

Assumed knowledge is the minimum level of knowledge of a subject area that students are assumed to have acquired through previous study. It is the responsibility of students to ensure they meet the assumed knowledge expectations of the subject. Students who do not possess this prior knowledge are strongly recommended against enrolling and do so at their own risk. No concessions will be made for students’ lack of prior knowledge.

And/or equivalent prior versions of subjects being taught out.



Assurance of learning

Assurance of Learning means that universities take responsibility for creating, monitoring and updating curriculum, teaching and assessment so that students graduate with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need for employability and/or further study.

At Bond University, we carefully develop subject and program outcomes to ensure that student learning in each subject contributes to the whole student experience. Students are encouraged to carefully read and consider subject and program outcomes as combined elements.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Program Learning Outcomes provide a broad and measurable set of standards that incorporate a range of knowledge and skills that will be achieved on completion of the program. If you are undertaking this subject as part of a degree program, you should refer to the relevant degree program outcomes and graduate attributes as they relate to this subject.

Find your program

Subject Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

On successful completion of this subject the learner will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of patient presentation and progression of medical, surgical, cardiorespiratory, vascular and lymphatic conditions (using knowledge of anatomy and pathophysiology of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems) across the life span.
  2. Critically discuss common pharmacological agents prescribed for patients/clients with a medical or surgical cardiorespiratory condition (including mechanism of action, delivery methods, indications for use and adverse effects).
  3. Critically apply and synthesise knowledge in order to select, plan, explain, demonstrate and evaluate appropriate assessment techniques (including imaging) for uncomplicated and/or complex cardiorespiratory patient/client presentations across the lifespan.
  4. Critically apply and synthesise knowledge in order to select, plan, explain, demonstrate and evaluate appropriate treatment techniques for uncomplicated and/or complex cardiorespiratory patient/client presentations across the lifespan.
  5. Develop and revise methods of recording examination findings and treatment interventions that are understood by peers and meet legislative requirements for physiotherapy practice.
  6. Select, prescribe and utilise appropriate equipment/walking aids to undertake safe and effective management of patients/clients with cardiorespiratory and/or cardiovascular conditions.
  7. Create efficient, effective, client-centred goals using a collaborative approach with patients/clients who have cardiorespiratory and/or cardiovascular conditions, and take into account psycho-socioeconomic and cultural needs.
  8. Apply concepts of health maintenance and promotion within the scope of the cardiorespiratory physiotherapist.
  9. Analyse and appraise the role of the physiotherapist (including delegation) and interprofessional team members, in the safe, ethical and effective management (including exercise prescription and discharge planning) for uncomplicated and/or complex cardiorespiratory patient/client presentations across the lifespan.

Generative Artificial Intelligence in Assessment

The University acknowledges that Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen-AI) tools are an important facet of contemporary life. Their use in assessment is considered in line with students’ development of the skills and knowledge which demonstrate learning outcomes and underpin study and career success. Instructions on the use of Gen-AI are given for each assessment task; it is your responsibility to adhere to these instructions.

  • Type Task % Timing* Outcomes assessed
    Written Report This written report will cover material from the subject delivered in Semester 212. 10.00% Week 5 1,3,4,8,9
    *In-Class Quiz - Individual^ This online quiz will cover material from the subject delivered in Semester 212 - 1 hour 30 Documentation assessment based on a video of a physiotherapy occasion of service - 1 hour. Assessment within Part B in 222. 40.00% Ongoing 1,2,3,4,5,8,9
    OSCE^ OSCE will cover material from Part A and Part B and will take place in Semester 222. Competency assessments will be undertaken in the Clinical Skills Consolidation Sessions. 50.00% Ongoing 3,4,6,7
    Problem-based Learning PBL Tutorials C Ongoing 1,3,6,8,9
    • ^ Students must pass this assessment to pass the subject
    • * Assessment timing is indicative of the week that the assessment is due or begins (where conducted over multiple weeks), and is based on the standard University academic calendar
    • C = Students must reach a level of competency to successfully complete this assessment.
  • Assessment criteria

    High Distinction 85-100 Outstanding or exemplary performance in the following areas: interpretative ability; intellectual initiative in response to questions; mastery of the skills required by the subject, general levels of knowledge and analytic ability or clear thinking.
    Distinction 75-84 Usually awarded to students whose performance goes well beyond the minimum requirements set for tasks required in assessment, and who perform well in most of the above areas.
    Credit 65-74 Usually awarded to students whose performance is considered to go beyond the minimum requirements for work set for assessment. Assessable work is typically characterised by a strong performance in some of the capacities listed above.
    Pass 50-64 Usually awarded to students whose performance meets the requirements set for work provided for assessment.
    Fail 0-49 Usually awarded to students whose performance is not considered to meet the minimum requirements set for particular tasks. The fail grade may be a result of insufficient preparation, of inattention to assignment guidelines or lack of academic ability. A frequent cause of failure is lack of attention to subject or assignment guidelines.

    Quality assurance

    For the purposes of quality assurance, Bond University conducts an evaluation process to measure and document student assessment as evidence of the extent to which program and subject learning outcomes are achieved. Some examples of student work will be retained for potential research and quality auditing purposes only. Any student work used will be treated confidentially and no student grades will be affected.

Type Task % Timing* Outcomes assessed
Written Report This written report will cover material from the subject delivered in Semester 212. 10.00% Week 5 1,3,4,8,9
*In-Class Quiz - Individual^ This online quiz will cover material from the subject delivered in Semester 212 - 1 hour 30 Documentation assessment based on a video of a physiotherapy occasion of service - 1 hour. Assessment within Part B in 222. 40.00% Ongoing 1,2,3,4,5,8,9
OSCE^ OSCE will cover material from Part A and Part B and will take place in Semester 222. Competency assessments will be undertaken in the Clinical Skills Consolidation Sessions. 50.00% Ongoing 3,4,6,7
Problem-based Learning PBL Tutorials C Ongoing 1,3,6,8,9
  • ^ Students must pass this assessment to pass the subject
  • * Assessment timing is indicative of the week that the assessment is due or begins (where conducted over multiple weeks), and is based on the standard University academic calendar
  • C = Students must reach a level of competency to successfully complete this assessment.

Study Information

Submission procedures

Students must check the iLearn@Bond subject site for detailed assessment information and submission procedures.

Policy on late submission and extensions

A late penalty will be applied to all overdue assessment tasks unless an extension is granted by the subject coordinator. The standard penalty will be 10% of marks awarded to that assessment per day late with no assessment to be accepted seven days after the due date. Where a student is granted an extension, the penalty of 10% per day late starts from the new due date.

Academic Integrity

University’s Academic Integrity Policy defines plagiarism as the act of misrepresenting as one’s own original work: another’s ideas, interpretations, words, or creative works; and/or one’s own previous ideas, interpretations, words, or creative work without acknowledging that it was used previously (i.e., self-plagiarism). The University considers the act of plagiarising to be a breach of the Student Conduct Code and, therefore, subject to the Discipline Regulations which provide for a range of penalties including the reduction of marks or grades, fines and suspension from the University.

Bond University utilises Originality Reporting software to inform academic integrity.

Feedback on assessment

Feedback on assessment will be provided to students within two weeks of the assessment submission due date, as per the Assessment Policy.

Accessibility and Inclusion Support

If you have a disability, illness, injury or health condition that impacts your capacity to complete studies, exams or assessment tasks, it is important you let us know your special requirements, early in the semester. Students will need to make an application for support and submit it with recent, comprehensive documentation at an appointment with a Disability Officer. Students with a disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Office at the earliest possible time, to meet staff and learn about the services available to meet your specific needs. Please note that late notification or failure to disclose your disability can be to your disadvantage as the University cannot guarantee support under such circumstances.

Additional subject information

This subject aims to address the Physiotherapy Practice Thresholds in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. (Please refer to the subject supplement guide for mapping of the subject Learning Outcomes to the Physiotherapy Roles and Key Competencies outlined in the Physiotherapy Practice Thresholds in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand).

Subject curriculum

Approved on: Mar 9, 2021. Edition: 2.2
Last updated: Oct 10, 2022