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Simulation Project

General Information

In this capstone, you run a construction company business simulation. Working as a team, you will manage all aspects of the company’s business. This will allow you to understand the nature of the real estate and construction industries and gain insights into how companies need to be structured and managed to run successful projects. You will be introduced to bidding for projects, marketing the business, selecting new staff, management and reorganisation of the business, the importance of cash flow, project management, company organisation, and a host of other tasks and skills.

This simulation is an ideal capstone for all disciplines within real estate, planning and construction. It will enhance your interpersonal, management and technical skills, and give you a sound understanding of how a business operates.

Academic unit: Faculty of Society & Design
Subject code: SSUD13-301
Subject title: Simulation Project
Subject level: Undergraduate
Semester/Year: September 2024
Credit points: 10.000

Enrolment requirements





Assurance of learning

Assurance of Learning means that universities take responsibility for creating, monitoring and updating curriculum, teaching and assessment so that students graduate with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need for employability and/or further study.

At Bond University, we carefully develop subject and program outcomes to ensure that student learning in each subject contributes to the whole student experience. Students are encouraged to carefully read and consider subject and program outcomes as combined elements.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Program Learning Outcomes provide a broad and measurable set of standards that incorporate a range of knowledge and skills that will be achieved on completion of the program. If you are undertaking this subject as part of a degree program, you should refer to the relevant degree program outcomes and graduate attributes as they relate to this subject.

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Subject Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

On successful completion of this subject the learner will be able to:

  1. Apply the skills and knowledge cumulatively acquired throughout degree to a company, and its business practices.
  2. Work efficiently and effectively in a multi-disciplinary team, while developing skills in terms of interaction, negotiation and decision-making.
  3. Analyse complex problems and tasks and devise and implement strategies to make the company successful.
  4. Manage the bidding process for projects, the cash flow from projects and undertake relevant human resource tasks related to the projects.
  5. Display an understanding of the need to manage projects so that they are completed within the planned duration and budget.
  6. Recognise the importance of tendering strategy in ensuring profitability.
  7. Develop an initial plan of action with clear objectives for the company, based on its current position and its strategy for the future, including the requested move to a different sector of the industry.
  8. Compile a final report on the progress and success of the company, reflecting on learnings.

Generative Artificial Intelligence in Assessment

The University acknowledges that Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen-AI) tools are an important facet of contemporary life. Their use in assessment is considered in line with students’ development of the skills and knowledge which demonstrate learning outcomes and underpin study and career success. Instructions on the use of Gen-AI are given for each assessment task; it is your responsibility to adhere to these instructions.

Type Task % Timing* Outcomes assessed
Essay A review of your performance as a team highlighting your strengths and weaknesses (Individual work - two pages minimum) 30.00% Week 12 1,2,5
Essay A personal reflection of what each of you as an individual has learnt from the experience (Individual work - two pages minumum) 30.00% Week 12 1,2,5,8
Capstone Project§ Presentation to the whole class. Please prepare a twenty-minute (max) presentation on how you ran your business and how successful you were at achieving your objectives. This should include a review of your company's objectives, strategy, performance and future prospects (20 mins max plus questions). After the presentation, you will prepare a group report of 10 pages (max) summarising your performance. (You will also be asked to complete a peer assessment for your group.) 40.00% Second on-campus block 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
  • § Indicates group/teamwork-based assessment
  • * Assessment timing is indicative of the week that the assessment is due or begins (where conducted over multiple weeks), and is based on the standard University academic calendar
  • C = Students must reach a level of competency to successfully complete this assessment.

Study Information

Submission procedures

Students must check the iLearn@Bond subject site for detailed assessment information and submission procedures.

Policy on late submission and extensions

A late penalty will be applied to all overdue assessment tasks unless an extension is granted by the subject coordinator. The standard penalty will be 10% of marks awarded to that assessment per day late with no assessment to be accepted seven days after the due date. Where a student is granted an extension, the penalty of 10% per day late starts from the new due date.

Academic Integrity

Bond University‘s Student Code of Conduct Policy , Student Charter, Academic Integrity Policy and our Graduate Attributes guide expectations regarding student behaviour, their rights and responsibilities. Information on these topics can be found on our Academic Integrity webpage recognising that academic integrity involves demonstrating the principles of integrity (honesty, fairness, trust, professionalism, courage, responsibility, and respect) in words and actions across all aspects of academic endeavour.

Staff are required to report suspected misconduct. This includes all types of plagiarism, cheating, collusion, fabrication or falsification of data/content or other misconduct relating to assessment such as the falsification of medical certificates for assessment extensions. The longer term personal, social and financial consequences of misconduct can be severe, so please ask for help if you are unsure.

If your work is subject to an inquiry, you will be given an opportunity to respond and appropriate support will be provided. Academic work under inquiry will not be marked until the process has concluded. Penalties for misconduct include a warning, reduced grade, a requirement to repeat the assessment, suspension or expulsion from the University.

Feedback on assessment

Feedback on assessment will be provided to students according to the requirements of the Assessment Procedure Schedule A - Assessment Communication Procedure.

Whilst in most cases feedback should be provided within two weeks of the assessment submission due date, the Procedure should be checked if the assessment is linked to others or if the subject is a non-standard (e.g., intensive) subject.

Accessibility and Inclusion Support

Support is available to students where a physical, mental or neurological condition exists that would impact the student’s capacity to complete studies, exams or assessment tasks. For effective support, special requirement needs should be arranged with the University in advance of or at the start of each semester, or, for acute conditions, as soon as practicable after the condition arises. Reasonable adjustments are not guaranteed where applications are submitted late in the semester (for example, when lodged just prior to critical assessment and examination dates).

As outlined in the Accessibility and Inclusion Policy, to qualify for support, students must meet certain criteria. Students are also required to meet with the Accessibility and Inclusion Advisor who will ensure that reasonable adjustments are afforded to qualifying students.

For more information and to apply online, visit BondAbility.

Additional subject information

Students are required to bring their laptops to class, and will be encouraged to set up and participate in WhatsApp groups with the instructor in order to maintain continuous contact and facilitate feedback.

Subject curriculum

Approved on: Jul 12, 2024. Edition: 2.2
Last updated: Dec 20, 2024