About the program
The Bond University Faculty of Law Visiting Scholar Program hosts academics from around Australia and overseas to undertake research and to participate in the academic life of the Bond University Faculty of Law.
Approved visiting scholars are provided with a workspace, IT access and library access. They are encouraged to participate in the academic life of our Faculty of Law including research seminars and public lectures. Visiting scholars may also be able to attend law classes with the permission of the Executive Dean.
Our law faculty is generally unable to facilitate visits by PhD students from other institutions, however, some places may be available in exceptional cases.
Visa information
International visitors may require a visa. It is the visiting scholarโs responsibility to obtain an appropriate visa that allows them to undertake all the activities they plan to do while in Australia. Depending on the type of visa, processing times can take up to several months so it is important that prospective visitors lodge their Visiting Scholar Program application early. For information about visas, prospective visitors should refer to the Australian Government's Department of Home Affairs website or contact the nearest Australian Embassy, Consulate or High Commission office for advice.
Application process
To be considered, prospective visitors should email the following at least three months prior to their intended visit:
- A completed Visiting Scholar Program Application Form;
- A brief curriculum vitae which includes details of academic employment, qualifications, and publications;
- A 1-2 page proposal outlining the research project, planned collaboration with Bond Law staff, and any other activities intended during the visit; and
- A letter or email from a Bond Law academic staff member or Research Centre indicating agreement to host the visit.
Applications are considered in advance of the proposed visit and all applicants will be notified as soon as possible after a decision is reached. Any further information that is required to implement the decision will be sought at this point.
The Visiting Scholar Program receives many applications from prospective visitors and unfortunately not all can be supported. Generally, visits of up to three months are more likely to be accommodated, although in exceptional cases longer visits may be approved, particularly for visitors who will be working on joint projects with Faculty staff.