Everyone has a place here at Bond.
Bond University genuinely treats all students with the same level of consideration, empathy and duty of care including those who may be lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex or questioning (LGBTIQ+). We strive to provide a learning environment that is safe and supportive and we actively encourage all students to understand and respect individuality and diversity.
Below is information about how Bond University caters to the needs of LGBTIQ+ students both on and off campus, important to both prospective and current students alike.
Gold Coast Pride Festival
Visit https://www.facebook.com/goldcoastpridefestival/ for more information.
National Events
To view events happening around Australia, visit the Australian Pride Network website - click here.
LGBTIQ+ support services

We are pleased to announce that Bond University is now a member of ACON's Pride in Diversity group that works toward inclusion for people of diverse sexualities and genders. ACON is a fiercely proud community organisation whose first priority will always be the health and safety of those they engage with. Our membership includes access to a large resource collection as well as support programs, training and consulting.
Please feel free to visit the Pride in Diversity website to learn more about this organisation and see how you can be involved.
Bond University Ally Network
The Bond University Ally network provides support to LGBTIQ staff and students. Members of the Ally network act as a point of contact for staff and students to discuss LGBTIQ issues and concerns.
This RUOK resource contains tips to help you know when and how to have a conversation with someone who may be Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Intersex (LGBTI). When we use ‘LGBTI’ we are also talking more broadly about people with diverse bodies, sexualities and genders.
Medical support
The Student and Staff Medical Clinic provides medical support for LGBTIQ students and is located within Medical Centre – Level 1, Student Court, Building 9
Clinic hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5pm
Counselling services
Counselling and guidance and information on LGBTIQ issues. Our psychologists provide free, confidential counselling service to help you with anything from academic, study pressures through to personal problems.
Clinic hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am – 5pm
Bond Pride Alliance
Bond Pride Alliance is a student group that provides support and awareness surrounding LGBTIQ + issues within and around Bond University.
Off campus support and services
Associations and support services
Queensland Association for Healthy Communities
QAHC aims to promote the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Queenslanders and are a not-for-profit, community based organisation.
Brisbane and Gold Coast - 30 Helen Street, Teneriffe Qld 4006
Tel: +61 7 3017 1777 or free call: 1800 177 434The Australian Transgender Support Association Queensland
ATSAQ provides counselling, advice and assistance to the transgender community, their families and medical practitioners in Queensland.
Tel: +61 7 3843 5024 (8am - 6pm). Email: atsaq.inc@gmail.comThe Gay and Lesbian Welfare Association
GLWA operates counselling lines for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals and their families/friends in Queensland.
Free Call: 1800 184 527 (7pm-10pm every night)The Rainbow Service, Relationships Australia
This service provides a relationship counselling service for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities.
Call 1300 364 277 to book a session asking for 'The Rainbow Service'.The Australian Bisexual Network
ABN provides a phone information services for bisexual people (women, men and transgender), their partners, families and friends.
Free Call: 1800 653 223LGBT Indigenous
Australian Federation of AIDS Organizations (AFAO) – Indigenous Gay/Sister Girls and Transgender Project: Find out more
Jellybeans is a social support group for transgender, gender variant and gender queer young people and those questioning their gender identity aged under 24. Groups are help at the Open Doors Youth Services Inc.
Tel: +61 7 3257 7660Out for Australia
An organisation that supports aspiring LGBTIQ professionals: Find out more
Medical services
Broadbeach General Practice
The Oracle, 6 Charles Ave, Broadbeach
Phone: +61 7 5539 8583Gold Coast Sexual Health
Southport Health Precinct
16-30 High St, Southport, QLD, 4215
Tel: +61 7 5687 9200
Find out moreBrisbane Gender Clinic
30 Helen St, Teneriffe, QLD 4005
Phone: +61 7 3017 1777
Find out more -
Legal services
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex (LGBTI) Legal Service Inc
This is a new community-based legal service providing free legal advice, assistance and referral to the LGBTI communities.
For people who live in the Gold Coast a phone appointment may be organized, contact Julie on +61 401 936 232 or email lgbti.legalservice@gmail.com
Updating personal details
iLearn - you can provide your pronouns in contact information. To update your name in iLearn, log into iLearn and navigate to the left of the screen and click on your name. Students can update their pronunciation and pronouns.
Students wishing to update their name and gender details can email Student Assist at studentassist@bond.edu.au.
You will be asked to provide a certified copy of the name change certificate or passport (or original) to the Student Assist Office.