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Verification of qualifications

Privacy principles do not apply to material which is maintained on a public register. Given that one of Bond University's (the University) primary functions is to confer higher education degrees and awards, the University maintains a register of its graduates (via the student information system). This free service allows us to provide the following information as a matter of public record:

  • Confirmation of graduates qualifications
  • Award Level (Honours, etc.)
  • Date of conferral

Privacy legislation and the University Privacy Policy does not permit any other information being released without specific authorisation, in writing from the graduate. To verify a qualification for a graduate who has qualified for an award but has not had it conferred, you will be required to pay a fee, currently $20 and submit the Qualification Verification form to

Please note your request will not be processed until the payment is received and the graduate has signed the authorisation.

Payment can be made via the following methods:

  • In person at Student Accounts
  • Cheque by mail
  • Direct debit, Bpay or Verisign
  • Credit card details provided by phone
  • Credit card details sent with Qualification Verification Form (please attach card details when submitting)

View more about payment methods.

This verification tool is not available for current students or students who have never completed their degree. Results will also not be returned for graduates who have sanctions preventing the release of their graduation status.

Access the online verification service

Complete this declaration:

I have read and understood the following:

  • This online service only provides verification of the award of an academic qualification and the conferral date. All other requests must be accompanied by payment and authorisation and the University is under no obligation, legal or otherwise, to disclose the information.
  • In some circumstances a fee may be payable.
  • The University cannot always guarantee a search return and that I might have to apply by submitting the Verification of Qualification Request Form to
  • The University will not disclose the graduation status of graduates who have current sanctions preventing the release of this information.

Accept these conditions and continue


To search for a record enter:

  • Surname (Family Name)
  • Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
  • Given Name (Optional)

Searches will only be returned if the surname and date of birth exactly match a record in the data base, including spaces and apostrophes, eg. McDonald is stored separately to Mc Donald and D'Alo will not come up under a search for Dalo. However, the search is not case sensitive. Please note you will be required to use the graduateโ€™s name at the time of graduation โ€“ if their name has changed the system will not return a result with the new name.

Date Of Birth

If you believe you were unable to verify the qualification due to system error, please send an enquiry to and we will look into this for you.