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2024 Enterprise Governance Symposium Presentations On-Demand

Crisis of Trust: Restoring Public Confidence in Business, Politics and NGOs

In June 2024, the Bond University Faculty of Law and the Centre for Enterprise Governance hosted the 2024 Enterprise Governance Symposium. Thought leaders, governance practitioners and academics came together to explore the โ€˜crisis of trustโ€™ in public and private institutions, and seek to answer the critical question: How can we rebuild public confidence in business, politics, and NGOs?

Register below to access the keynote presentations, all available to watch on-demand, at your convenience.

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Key symposium themes:
  • Public trust in business: How do companies navigate the ethical tightrope between shareholder expectations and public opinion? What can they learn from industry leaders who have successfully restored faith in their brands?
  • Public trust in governments: How do governments bridge the gap between community expectations and government actions? How can governments regain trust in an era of scepticism?
  • Public trust in NGOs: How can NGOs address the trust challenges faced by many non-profits? What are some innovative approaches to rebuilding credibility?

Hear from inspiring speakers including Vik Bansal, Group CEO and Managing Director, Boral; Toni Thornton, Non-Executive Director, The Star Entertainment Group; and Cr Glenn Tozer, Division 9 Councillor, Gold Coast City Council.

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