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Income support for master's by coursework programs

Are you planning to undertake a professionally oriented master’s by coursework degree that is required for entry to a profession, or is the fastest pathway to professional entry? If so, you may be eligible to receive income support via the Australian Government’s Youth Allowance, Austudy, or Pensioner Supplement schemes.  

The Department of Social Services has approved the following master’s by coursework programs at Bond for enrolled students who meet all other criteria to receive a Centrelink income support benefit. 

What is a master's by coursework?

Master’s by coursework specifies those master’s degrees that follow a set curriculum of subjects per semester to complete the degree.


To be eligible for student income support through Youth Allowance and Austudy, you will need to be studying full time and satisfy all other eligibility requirements, including personal, parental or partner income tests.

Please note that no master’s by coursework combined programs have yet been approved for income support. 

Need more information? 

Please contact Centrelink within Human Services on 132 490 or visit the Department of Human Services website for further information about income support for approved master’s courses and student income support entitlements. 

Explore our master’s by coursework programs

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