Leaving a legacy that lives on
We all desire to leave the world in a better place. To make a difference. To create a legacy.
Leaving a bequest to Bond University will touch the lives of students for generations to come. Your gift will make a profound difference in unleashing their potential and shaping who they become as a result of their Bond experience and what they go on to achieve in their lives.
We are immeasurably thankful for small gifts that combine with others to contribute to our exceptional learning experience. Large bequests are allocated to scholarships, research projects, learning resources and student facilities that particularly resonate with you and your family.
It is also worth noting that a bequest to Bond University may reduce the tax payable from your estate. This differs from country to country, so please seek advice from your solicitor and/or financial advisor.
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Shining a light
The Cutmore Bequest
The late Cora Cutmore left an extraordinary bequest to Bond University’s Clem Jones Research Centre for Regenerative Medicine.
Through a lifetime of dedicated service as a midwife and mothercraft nurse, Cora built a multi-million dollar share portfolio which is now being used to develop stem cell-based treatments for the macular degeneration that impacted her later years.
Vynka Hohnen Scholarship
Vynka Hohnen graduated from Bond University with a Bachelor of Laws in 1997. Tragically, just three years later, she died in a car accident at 24 years of age. Her family established the Vynka Hohnen Scholarship in her memory.
For more than 20 years, this full fee scholarship has given fellow West Australian students the opportunity to attend Bond and to be part of the Vynka Hohnen Scholarship family.