The BUSA team consists of highly dedicated volunteers made up entirely of currently enrolled students. Their vision is to constantly and consistently improve the student experience at Bond and beyond. They remain your voice on campus and are professional, highly motivated and focused on their individual portfolios as well as the overall BUSA vision.
Executive Team
President - Elijah Sargent
Treasurer - Keerat Sidhu
Secretary - Jordan Shephard
Education Team
Vice President (Education) - Annie Bui
International Director - Dharsica Nanthacumar
Postgraduate Director - position pending
Recreation Team
Vice President (Recreation) - position pending
Social Director - position pending
Clubs and Societies Director - position pending
Clubs and Finance Liaison - position pending
Arts Director - Ashley McClelland
Representation Team
Vice President (Representation) - position pending
Wellness Director - Lily Smith
Inclusion Director - Blake Atkins
First Nations Director - Jazmin Grant
Sport Team
Vice President (Sport) - Nicholas Spegel
Sporting Clubs & Events Director - Olivia Maguire
Communication Team
Vice President (Communications) - Noah Tye
External Outreach Director - Li Zuo
Publications Director - Lily Pettit