Each school or faculty has a designated student association specifically focused on the interests of students studying in their specific fields. These 'Faculty Student Associations' or 'FSAs' liaise closely fall directly under BUSA, working to bring students the best support and access to social and educational events. They also provide a network of like-minded peers who are able to encourage and support students on the journey through their studies.
Bond has five Faculty Student Associations:
Business Student Association (BSA)
Bond Business School's students are actively represented by the Business Student Association (BSA), who engage with our students, academics, industry and the wider community. The BSA hosts a variety of educational, networking & social events throughout the year whilst representing students interests and managing the class representative program.
There are also specific business-adjacent student clubs and societies on campus such as the Bond Investment Group (BIG), Bond University Accounting (BUA) and Bond Actuarial Student Society (BASS).
The BSA Office is located on the ground level of the Bond Business School (Building 2), adjacent to the Business Commons (BLD2_2_14). The BSA Office is open Monday to Thursday, 11am to 3pm.
Contact the BSA
Law Students' Association (LSA)
The Bond University Law Studentsโ Association (LSA) is the elected representative body for all Bond Law students. It plays a significant role in supporting all Bond Law students through the course of their studies. Whether it be welcoming them to Bond in their initial weeks to farewelling them as Graduands.
The LSA is structured around three key pillars of life as a law student:
- Education and Academic Support
- Social Events
- Careers and External Affairs
The Education Portfolio represents students across all programs and diverse backgrounds. Through equity initiatives and panel events, it provides experiences which can enhance your time studying with the Bond Law Faculty. In addition to these services, the LSA liaises with the Law Faculty and other external bodies on behalf of the student body, ensuring you get the most of you time here at Bond.
The Events portfolio provides opportunities for students to connect with fellow law students and Bondies through events such as The Session and the annual Law Ball. It also keeps you up to date with the latest information on social media.
The Careers Portfolio is your key into the legal industry. Through gaining sponsorship of LSA events, students are given opportunities to connect with firms and network with the profession. Publications such as the annual First Year law Guide and Careers Guide keep you up to date with information from here at Bond and in the profession. Students are also able to gain valuable skills through academic competitions run annually.
There are also specific law-adjacent student clubs and societies on campus such as the Canadian Law Students' Association (CLSA) and Asian Law Students' Society (ALSS).
The LSA Office is located on the ground level of the Faculty of Law (Building 4), opposite the Law Faculty Reception Desk. The LSA Office is open Monday to Thursday, 10am to 2pm.
Contact the LSA
Society & Design Student Association (SDSA)
The Faculty of Society & Design is home to the Society & Design Students' Association which represent the students in the faculty as well as offer an array of services.
The Faculty of Society & Design boasts the largest number of students per faculty and the most diverse range of degrees at Bond University. From Communications to Film & TV students. The Society and Design Students' Association is a representative student body with resourceful function including the SDSA Book Sale; various cultural & social events; competitions; and academic, work and internship opportunities.
The SDSA Office is located on the ground level of the Arch Building (Building 1a), below the Balnaves Foundation Multimedia Learning Centre (MLC). The SDSA Office is open Monday to Thursday, 10am to 2pm.
Contact the SDSA
Health Sciences & Medicine Student Association (HMSA)
The Health Sciences and Medicine Studentsโ Association (HMSA) is a committee comprised of elected health science and medicine (HSM) students. The HMSA is responsible for ensuring its representation of HSM students reflect that which most benefit the student body, particularly in both academic and social areas. The focus of the HMSA has been to increase awareness of the support it offers to HMSA students.
It has achieved this through holding numerous welcome events for new students, as well as, encouraging collaboration between students and staff across the whole faculty through staff versus student sport matches, charity fundraising evenings, social events and additional sessions tutored by staff and students.
There are also specific health-adjacent student clubs and societies on campus such as the Medicine Students' Society of Bond University (MSSBU) and a range of societies for specific MD programs.
The HMSA Office is located on the third level of the Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine (Building 5), accessed by entering from near Building 6 or taking the lift from the 3-hour parking between Building 5 and the Ring Road. The HMSA Office is open Monday to Thursday, 11am to 3pm.
Contact the HMSA
The CoLab Collective (TCC)
The CoLab Collective represent and look after a small but unique portion of the Bond University student body, those enrolled in Transformation Degrees through the Transformation CoLab. This small group of dedicated students work closely together to ensure that those enrolled in multi-disciplinary programs do not fall through the cracks and still receive the same support as those studying mainstream courses.