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Bachelor of Entrepreneurial Transformation / Bachelor of Global Studies (Sustainability)

Where will your degree take you?

Entrepreneurship is recognised across the broad spectrum of business, social enterprise and government as an essential core skill for the workplace of the future. Combine this with an understanding of critical sustainability issues in global and local contexts, and you have the tools you need to create change in any industry, anywhere in the world.

Employers are now actively looking for graduates who have a skillset that can be applied across multiple sectors; nimble enough to think on their feet, devise solutions and turn challenges into opportunities. With the combination of entrepreneurial skills and a global perspective, graduates can expect to find employment across a range of fields and industries including start-ups, social enterprise and NGOs, politics, conservation, diplomacy, and trade.  


Business transformation

When a company needs to make drastic organisational or procedural changes to improve its success, a business transformation specialist can be brought in to plan future changes as well as identify and flag any potential issues.


An entrepreneur sees a gap in the market and fills it, usually by developing a new business. They are innovators who see new and novel ways of generating goods, delivering services, or running enterprises, either in commercial or social settings.

Humanitarian agency

Graduates with an understanding of international affairs, globalisation, political, environmental, and societal concerns are sought after in most global offices with an international outreach.

Government agencies

Graduates with skills in international relations are commonly recruited for Project and Program related roles in government agencies, notably, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department of Defence, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, Australian Secret Intelligence Service, Australian Public Service, and Tourism Australia.

Program learning outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes provide a broad and measurable set of standards that incorporate a range of knowledge, skills and abilities that will be achieved on completion of the program. These outcomes will help you determine whether this program aligns with your professional pathway, career and learning goals.

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