Support for your non-academic needs
The Bond University Student Services and Amenities Fee aims to provide a balanced, practical approach to funding campus services and amenities of a non-academic nature, such as sporting and recreational activities, student advocacy, employment and career advice, student support services, orientation activities and food services.
What is the Student Services and Amenities Fee?
The Bond University Student Services and Amenities Fee aims to provide a balanced, practical approach to funding campus services and amenities of a non-academic nature, such as sporting and recreational activities, student advocacy and legal services, employment and career advice, orientation activities and food services. The Student Services and Amenities Fee is an amount that all enrolled students are required to pay to support these services regardless of whether the student chooses to use any of the amenities or services or their level of engagement with these services.
You can view the current SSAF fees, along with payment options and exemptions on the Fees and Other Costs page.
Each semester the amount of incoming SSAF attributable is calculated and presented to a specially formed committee made up of representatives from the University and the overarching Student Association. Funding requests are received by the committee at this time and considered for approval in line with legislative guidelines.
The Student Association calls for funding requests from the various student clubs in the closing weeks of the prior semester and undergoes an in-depth consultative process with students and student bodies to determine its proposal for the upcoming semester's funding.
Approved distributions by BUSA to its' student clubs and other governable areas are published annually on the BUSA Website. To view the latest version click here
Have Your Say
We welcome and encourage feedback from students on our SSAF processes. Have your say by emailing us at