What is the Graduate Outcomes Survey?

Every year Bond University participates in the Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS), a national survey of all recent graduates from all Australian Higher Education providers. This survey is conducted on behalf of the Australian Government, by the Social Research Centre (a leading research organisation).
The GOS collects information about a range of graduate employment and satisfaction outcomes such as:
- overall satisfaction with course
- employment status and overall employment
- median salary
- further study activities
This survey also leads to the collection of feedback from a graduateโs current employer/supervisor to measure the employer satisfaction with the graduateโs generic skills, technical skills and work readiness. Employer/supervisors details may be provided by the graduates via the GOS survey, and they are surveyed through the Employer Satisfaction Survey. Graduates are surveyed approximately four months after graduation.
How does Bond University use the GOS survey data?
Bond University uses the GOS survey data to:
- Review, develop and improve the quality of programs in order to improve the student experiences and enhance graduate outcomes.
- Advise prospective and current students on graduate employment outcomes via the Career Development Centre.
Survey administration
The GOS is an Australian Government Department of Education and Training initiative which is carried out by The Social Research Centre (SRC), forming part of the suite of higher education surveys under Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching.
There are three survey periods per year:
- February (for October graduates)
- May (for December and February graduates)
- November (for June graduates)
Invitations to participate in the Graduate Outcomes Survey will be sent by SRC to graduatesโ email accounts.
Survey incentives

The earlier you complete the survey, the more chances you will have to win great prizes. Prize draws take place weekly over the survey period. For more information, visit the Social Research Centre Graduate Outcomes Survey Prize Draw Terms and Conditions of Entry page.