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Support for students under 18 years old

At Bond University, we place the highest value on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment that promotes self-efficacy and positive psychological and physical well-being while supporting students to be successful in their personal and academic endeavours. 

We promote and normalise active help-seeking behaviours, and we ensure students are informed about key support services, emergency contacts and reporting mechanisms available to them as critical aspects of creating a safe, inclusive environment to study and work.

As a University community, we extend this personalised care and support to all our students. We also have an additional duty of care to support our students who are under 18 at the time of their enrolment, and we take our responsibilities seriously. 

The information on this page provides more detail and links to important resources related to the care of students under 18. 

High school students undertaking extension programs offered by the University may be enrolled in specified subject/s in accordance with the requirements of the program, and consideration will be given to the content and any relevant legislation as appropriate.

Personalised support for under 18s

We ensure all our students under 18 years have a dedicated support staff appointed as their key point of contact.  This staff member will provide proactive, regular check-ins in relation to health, well-being, and studies. Students are encouraged to raise any concerns openly with their support staff.

Read the full Welfare Arrangements for Students Under the Age of 18 Procedure.

Until such time as you turn 18, Bond University will: 

  • Designate a support person who will check in regularly to provide any additional support in relation to health, well-being, and studies. 
  • Seek and record prior approvals to undertake required medical action in case of emergency and any limitations articulated by religious belief and/or disclosures as to medical history.
  • Share information with your parent or legal guardian including, without limitation, information about their welfare, attendance, academic results and progress, accommodation arrangements, non-compliance with any curfew, and any other matter which may affect the student’s enrolment.
  • Not process any changes to your enrolment or approve a leave request, without the prior written consent of their parent or legal guardian.

Admission and enrolment of international onshore students under 18 years of age are further subject to adherence to the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students

Once you turn 18, if you consent for your guardian to discuss matters relating to enrolment or finances, you will need to submit a ‘Third Party Verification’ form. 

Three people standing outside in front of the Arch building.

Our highest priority is that you have an exceptional student experience, and that you have the appropriate wellbeing and safety supports around you to enable you to thrive.

Ongoing support

Ongoing and additional support

All Bond University students under 18 years of age at the time of enrolment are required to attend Orientation, including a specific session for students who are U18 at the time of enrolment.  At this session, you will be introduced to support staff who will be able to assist you with your transition to university and connect you to additional services as needed to support your well-being and studies.

There is a wide range of support services available to all enrolled students, including access to free counselling and medical assistance, and 24/7 on-campus security.  You can browse our full list of support services.

In addition to these supports, the University will continue to monitor the welfare arrangements of under-18 students through scheduled meetings arranged with dedicated support staff. These meetings will occur on a regular basis during the semester and may be supplemented by additional appointments or a referral to specialist services such as academic skills advisers or wellbeing advisers as appropriate. Students are encouraged to speak openly with support staff and discuss any concerns they may have about their accommodation, academic progress or any other issues affecting their well-being. 


Bond University supports domestic and international students under the age of 18 in an equitable way, however it is important to note international students under the age of 18 are subject to the Overseas student visa condition 8532.  This condition stipulates that you must live with a parent or suitable relative or, if this is not possible, in accommodation approved by their education provider.  

Detailed information on acceptable welfare arrangements for under 18 student visa applicants is available on the DHA website.

International students who request and are issued with a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) Letter must reside in accommodation approved by Bond University until such time as the student turns 18 years of age. The University will only consider the following types of accommodation: 

  1. Approved homestay accommodation; 
  2. Accommodation on campus in our residential community; or
  3. Other accommodation approved by Bond University, at its sole discretion

Find more details at: National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students.

If you are under 18 and reside on campus in student accommodation, you will also be supported by your Senior Resident Fellow responsible for your residential community. In circumstances where a student under 18 years of age has gone missing and cannot be contacted, the University will implement its Student Critical Incident Management Policy while continuing to make all reasonable efforts to locate the student, including notifying the police and any other relevant agencies as soon as practicable.

Living on campus

If you live with us on campus you will have a Senior Residential Fellow and Residential Fellow (Res Fellow) who will be a key contact person for you within your building.  Make sure you get to know them well and feel free to speak with them if you ever have any concerns. Your Res Fellow will:

  • Live on campus in the same building as you
  • Conduct regular meetings with you 
  • Is responsible for your residential community

Stay connected with your support team and let them know if you need to leave campus overnight.  Please remember, if you do not let the team know you have arranged to stay elsewhere overnight and we are unable to locate you, we will activate the student critical incident response.  This is a requirement of us while you are under 18 years of age.

key contacts

  • Bond has a dedicated security team who are available 24/7 on campus. Security can provide safe escort to your car or nearby residence and will assist with any misconduct or safety concerns.

    Security: 07 5595 1234

    Bond University Crisis Line 

    Call: 1300 359 504

    Text: 0485 829 136

  • You will have regular, scheduled meetings with your SASQ and you are encouraged to discuss any concerns they may have about their accommodation, academic progress or any other issues affecting their wellbeing directly with their SASQ. These meetings will occur on a regular basis during the semester and may be supplemented by additional appointments. 

    As part of the welfare process, SASQ’s will ensure that contact details for the student and the student’s parent, legal guardian or other adult responsible for the student’s welfare remain current in the University’s systems.

    Every faculty has a dedicated team so make sure you stay connected in with yours!

  • Bond University Student Association (BUSA) is a student leadership team that plays a key role in creating connections and providing peer to peer support to students.

    They can help you transition into the Bond student community through the Bondies Connect platform.

  • Our advising teams are here to support you with any concerns relating to your studies and your general wellbeing or are here to support you if ever you experience or observe behaviour that really concerns or worries you.

    If you ever need to reach out for support, our team are here for you. 

    In addition, the Academic Skills Centre offers personalised help to develop your academic skills and reach your potential. In addition to one-on-one sessions, the Academic Skills Centre also offers a range of free workshops and resources.

    We ensure every student engages with our Safe and Respectful Communities resource on iLearn. This resource is designed to reinforce our shared responsibilities to our community and to provide direction on processes for reporting sexual harm and other unacceptable behaviours. 

    Learn more about: 

  • Quick links 

    • Applying for a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) letter: [email protected] 
    • General enquiries: [email protected] 
    • Bond University safety and security 24 hours, 7 days a week: 07 5595 1234
    • Off-campus emergencies 24 hours, 7 days a week. Emergency Services: Fire, Police and Ambulance: 000
    • Off-campus non-emergencies (e.g. minor traffic accidents) 24 hours, 7 days a week. Queensland Police Service: 07 5656 9111
    • Bond University Medical Services and Student Counselling (Monday–Friday 8.30am-5pm): 07 5595 4043
    • Bond University Library 
    • Complaints: [email protected] 



  • Do you need immediate support?

    Call:1300 359 504

    Text: 0485 829 136

  • Bond University is committed to building a safe and supportive campus and has a dedicated reporting and referring system called BondCare. Here you’ll be able to seek support for yourself and/or others, or report any complaints regarding unwanted or inappropriate behaviour. We are here to support you. 

    To make a report/referral regarding yours or others’ wellbeing: Follow this link

    To make a report/referral regarding sexual harm: Follow this link

    To make a complaint, provide feedback or report misconduct: Follow this link

    For more BondCare information click here.

    Critical to this is a commitment to delivering education and resources to raise awareness about Bond’s response to sexual harm within our community.  There is no wrong door approach to sexual harm, and we have specialist staff trained in responding to serious incidents and providing the appropriate support and privacy to victim/survivors of sexual harm. Bond University and Bond University Students Association stand together to address harm within our community, read our Safety, Respect, Care, Consent Strategy here.

Bond has a dedicated security team who are available 24/7 on campus. Security can provide safe escort to your car or nearby residence and will assist with any misconduct or safety concerns.

Security: 07 5595 1234

Bond University Crisis Line 

Call: 1300 359 504

Text: 0485 829 136

Responding to critical incidents, harrassment or assault

If you need emergency or immediate assistance in the event of a critical incident please refer to these contacts:

Type of IncidentHours of OperationContact Contact Details 
All critical incidents that occur on Bond University premises 24/7Bond Security07 5595 1234 
Off-campus Emergencies 24/7Emergency Services: Fire, Police and Ambulance000 
Off-campus non-emergencies (e.g minor traffic accidents)/24/7Queensland Police Service07 5656 9111 
General health issues8:30am-5pmGeneral health issues – University Medical Clinic07 5595 4043 
8:30am-5pmCounselling support – Student Counselling Services07 5595 4043 
24/7Bond University Crisis Line 

Call: 1300 359 504

Text: 0485 829 136